Responsive Addons for Elementor (RAE) Feature List widget allows you to design and showcase your product’s key features in a more visually attractive and intuitive way.
Content #
Content Settings #

- 1.Feature Item Repeater – You can add any number of feature items here. You can customize the feature list to add icons or images too. Give Title and Content for the feature. Additionally you can add a custom link for the feature on click.
- 2.HTML tag – Select different tags for feature title.
- 3.Icon Shape – You can customize the shape of the icon to circle, rhombus or square.
- 4.Frame View – You can style the icon to show a framed or a stacked view.
- 5.Icon Position – You can align the icon to left, center or right.
- 6.Show Connector – It allows you to add a connector between feature icons.
Style #
List #

- 1.Space between – You can adjust spacing between the features.
Icon #

- 1.Background Type – You can add background color for icons with classic or gradient style.
- 2.Background color – You can choose the background color for the icon (In case of framed style, it will be added as a border color).
- 3.Secondary Color – In case of framed style, it will be added as a background color for the icon.
- 4.Color – Choose the color of the feature icon.
- 5.Size – Adjust the size of the feature icon frame.
- 6.Icon Size – Adjust the size of the feature icon.
- 7.Padding – You can add padding to the icon frame.
- 8.Border width – You can add border width to the icon frame.
- 9.Border Radius – You can adjust Border Radius to the icon frame.
- 10.Spacing – You can adjust the spacing between icon frame and content.
Content #

- 1.Title
- 1.Title Bottom Space – Adjust the spacing between title and content of the feature.
- 2.Color – Choose the color of the feature title.
- 3.Typography – You can adjust the typography such as font family, font size and text transformations etc. for the feature title.
- 2.Description
- 1.Color – Choose the color of the feature content.
- 2.Typography – You can adjust the typography such as font family, font size and text transformations etc. for the feature content.