Responsive Addons for Elementor (RAE) Fancy Text allows you to create fancy, animated texts, headings that can be used for eye-catching marketing messages.

Content #
Fancy Text #

Prefix Text – You can add prefix text by dividing your fancy text into three parts. First will be Prefix Text, Fancy Text, and Suffix Text.
Fancy Text Strings – You can any number of fancy string to show.
Fancy Text Settings #

Style Type – We have given 2 predefined styles for you to select for the fancy text to appear.
Alignment – You can align the text to left, center or right.
Animation Type – You can select animation types such as Typing, Fade, Fade Up, Fade Down, Zoom, Bounce etc for the fancy text animations.
Typing speed – If you select the animation type as typing then you can adjust the typing speed.
Back Speed – If you select the animation type as typing then you can adjust the back speed.
Delay on change – You can set the delay in showing different fancy text strings.
Style #
Prefix Text Styles #

Prefix Color – You can set the color for the prefix text
Typography – You can set the typography of the prefix text.
Fancy Text Styles #

Choose Background Type – You can choose the background color for the fancy text.
Typography – You can set the typography options for the fancy text.
Solid color – Set the text color for the fancy text
Typing cursor color– If the animation type is set to typing, you can set the color of the cursor.
Padding – Adjust the padding around the text
Margin – Adjust the padding around the text
Border Type – You can set the border width, style, color for the text.
Border Radius – You can set the border-radius to the fancy text.
Suffix Text Styles #

Suffix Text Color – You can set the text color to the suffix text.
Typography – You can set the typography to the suffix text.