Responsive Addons for Elementor (RAE) Business Hours allows you to display your business hours with customizable styles in a beautiful tabular way.
Content #
Business Hour #

You can set the title of your business hour widget. You can also change the days and timings of the business hours. You can add an item with the ‘ADD ITEM‘ and delete an item with the ‘X‘ button.

Enable the individual style option and you can design each day individually. You can add text color, border color & width. You can change the background color or set a background image and also set the position of the image.
Settings #

You can set the alignment of the title, days, time to left, center and right.
Style #
Title #

You can add text color, design title font with Typography, add a border color & width. You can change the background color and image. Add margin, padding, border radius to the title.
Hour List #

You can add text color, design hour title font with Typography, add a border color & width. You can change the background color and image. Add margin, padding, border radius to the title.
Container #

You can add text color, add a border color & width to the container. You can change the background color and image. Add margin, padding, border radius to the title.