6 Must Have WordPress SEO Plugins To Improve Your Website’s Ranking

Must have WordPress SEO plugins

With a website in place, it goes without saying that you cannot ignore the SEO part. After all, you need to convince the web crawlers about your website’s existence which is why you need all the right SEO plugins.
If yours is a website built in WordPress platform like the majority of the sites, then you must be wondering what are the best SEO plugins you should have.
Well, do read this post to know the must-have SEO plugins for a WordPress based website –

1. WordPress SEO by Yoast

If you are even remotely familiar with the world of internet and search engine optimization, you must have heard of this tool. Yoast is the most downloaded plug-in ever in the history of the internet. Think of it as a one-stop shop for all your optimization needs. It basically provides a wholesome solution all for your SEO needs. You can do everything from adding the SEO title, meta keywords, meta descriptions to every blog that you post as well as all the pages of your website.

The plug-in also allows writing customized titles for the main website, category, tag pages, archives, etc. The Yoast can also do stuff like opening graph meta data, sitemaps, twitter cards, ping search engines every time you update your site.
This one plug-in is capable of doing multiple tasks, and the list is so long that it’s hard to summarize all the things in just one section.
If you have a WordPress based website, make sure to get your hands on this little tool.

Key Features

  • Aids in better content creation – You can see how the content will look in search results.
  • Page Analysis – Lets you check details such as the post’s length, the placement of focused keywords, the inclusion of Meta description.
  • XML Sitemaps – the XML sitemap feature informs search engines of its presence.
  • Meta and link elements – This feature lets you determine which pages the Google will show in search engines and which ones it will not. Yoast makes canonical link elements visible everywhere on the website.
  • Social Integration – There is the option of Facebook OpenGraph implement to integrate social media and SEO.
  • Breadcrumbs – This feature allows development of navigation for user and search engines both.

2. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner
People search for things on Google, yes? That’s how they end up on your website. With that in mind, let’s acknowledge that nobody on this planet knows more about what people are looking for than Google itself. The search giant has its own tool called Google Keyword Planner. The tool is available for free usage. It basically tells advertisers and SEO experts which keywords to bid on and which ones to pick for the right online targeting.

You get insight into stuff like which keywords to pick based on the number of search volume, results, level of difficulty, etc. Google Keyword Planner also tells you which keywords are profitable for bidding and the keywords that you can use to outrank competitors.

3. KeywordTool.io

This is one of the finest tools available out there. You can simply input a keyword and get similar keyword ideas in just one step. The suggestions you get for keywords are gathered from the auto-suggestion feature of Google. For any website owner, online marketer and SEO expert, these suggestions are practically goldmine. It takes what people are searching for the most and compiles all of those similar keywords in one list and outputs it.

The results you will find on top are the most searched for queries on Google for a particular keyword.
This tool is incredibly fast as well as free for usage. Anyone can use it without any kind of purchase. The plug-in comes handy for optimizing the content on your site. You can also get keyword suggestions from App Store, YouTube, Bing, etc.

4. Rel NoFollow Checkbox

Every time you add an external link to anywhere on your website, you give away some of your site’s authority with that website. To avoid that, you can use a no-follow attribute to the link.

You can go ahead and make all the links no-follow on your WordPress website. However, it’s not such a good idea in all the cases. For truly helpful websites, adding a do-follow is advised.

You can use Rel NoFollow Checkbox which is another WordPress plug-in that puts a checkbox in the insert link popup of the post editor. The popup already has a checkbox which lets you open links in a new tab. Now every time you add a link, you can mark it no-follow just by checking the box.

5. Open Site Explorer

This was developed by MOZ. It is a free tool which you can use to check data of any domain name. Other than that, Open Site Explorer has a ton of valuable information to offer such as top pages, domain linking, the pages that are linked on the site, and many more.

Although this tool is free to use, there’s a limit on the daily search usage for each user. If you want to access the full potential of this tool, you can subscribe to Moz Pro.

6. SEMRush

This is a tool used by professionals who want to gather insights on analytics as well as access to competitor’s information to improve the SEO rankings.

You can learn about things like which organic keywords you want to rank for, places from where you can secure backlinks, access to the advertising strategies of the competitors, and a lot more.

You need to have paid subscription in order to access SEM rush. This is one of the most valuable tools in the world of online marketing which can prove invaluable.

Final Thoughts

Of course if you Google, you will find hundreds of plug-in for WordPress, but the ones mentioned above happen to be the most important/helpful ones. 000webhost.com has covered a post on some more SEO plug-ins for WordPress, which you can check.

Do subscribe/download them to give a good boost to your SEO.


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2 Comments on “6 Must Have WordPress SEO Plugins To Improve Your Website’s Ranking

  1. Greg, most plugins works just fine after you have installed and made your own settings.
    Yes, you can have too many plugins.
    That is if you want your website to serve many different needs.
    If you as a person, a consultant or a business really do serve many different needs, consider making more websites where each one solves one problem only.
    In that way you will have lighter and faster websites with more precise SEO. Good luck

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