Elementor Logo Carousel Widget

Add credibility and boost your website’s reputation using the Elementor Logo Carousel widget. Showcase a list of credible partners, clients, sponsors, or other companies you have associated with.

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Why Add An Elementor Logo Carousel?

The Elementor logo carousel can be customized to include different transition effects and navigation options. It can be integrated into various parts of a website, such as a homepage or a dedicated “partners” page.


Add The Carousel Without Any Coding Knowledge

Simple drag-and-drop integration of the Logo Carousel widget makes your website engaging and interactive with no coding knowledge required.

logo carousel elementor
logo carousel elementor


Autoplay The Carousel

The Logo Carousel widget allows you to choose either to autoplay the carousel or set an infinite loop, whichever option best suits your preferences.


Easy To Customize

The Logo Carousel widget is made for easy customization, allowing you to add different transitions and customize the logo carousel to suit your business needs.

logo carousel elementor

Standard Logo Carousel

Display your affiliations, clientele, and partnerships to your visitors using a standard classy left-sliding logo carousel with simple arrows and pagination dot indicators.

3D Logo Carousel

Display your partners in a modern, edgy carousel layout with the cube animation and visible items set to a single logo.

The Cover flow Logo Carousel

Stand out from the crowd and display your partners or clients to visitors in style with the cover flow style logo carousel. Your website will always be unique with the cover flow logo carousel.

Flip book Logo Carousel

Set your logo carousel widget to display a single logo with a pre-defined flip effect from the carousel setting to achieve this classy style in your carousel.

Get Responsive Elementor Addons !

Our live editor allows you to configure the Testimonials widget in 2-clicks. Try it out today!

Features you’ll love

The Logo carousel widget comes with multiple customization options to allow users to easily customize, set up, and display their desired logos to their customers without ever needing to code.

Custom HTML Tags

Choose the type of HTML tags you want to use for your icon labels or titles instantly.

Transition Effects

Easily pick and choose between five classy transition effects to add flair to your logo carousel.


Set up the number of logos, spacing, and carousel speed for the widget with easy visual editors.

Animation Controls

Define the autoplay speed, looping, and hover options for your logo carousel.


Select the type of pagination or navigation indicators that you wish to display.


Add custom styles to all your carousel elements, including logos, titles, arrows, and pagination dots.

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